A wall and a room: A kitchen and a cupboard.

Kitchen, Rexroth Mannasmann Collective Architects

kitchen, leading out into dining room

kitchen tile detail

Rexroth Mannasmann Collective Architects




Into a 4-room Art Deco
apartment with compartmentalised spaces, two distinct but related storage
solutions have been inserted. One part is a quiet,
backdrop-like wall of robes and the other is an immersive, bright and light
kitchen refit.

The ‘wall of storage’
houses clothes, shoes, surfboards, suitcases and a study area. There is a play between
display and concealment, texture and depth. The timber doors, round holes for hanging pegs and door handles were designed
to reinforce the apartments existing aesthetic. The bronze mirror behind the
desk creates a new ‘window’ in the room providing light, movement and a long
view over your shoulder, back along the hall. 

The new kitchen transitions
from the living room to the garden, reflecting and refracting views of both. Deco dado lines are
reinforced with a timber-edged mirror-faced bulkhead and green tiles are laid
in an organic pattern to lead the eye to the garden. The existing hall cupboard
has been gutted and the door mirror-backed. A bar with glass shelves and pot
plant garden are installed in the depth of the door frame. When standing at the
kitchen sink with the door open observation of all the habitable rooms of the
apartment is possible.

A kitchen panopticon in a
hall cupboard. 

Earlier happy snaps here.

Photos by Erica Lauthier.

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